Honpa Hongwanji Hawaii Betsuin Buddhist Temple  

Junior Choir Hawaii Trip - Hawaii Betsuin

Honolulu and Hawaii Betsuin Pictures - Double click on links to see full size pictures.


Bus Ride

As a group, we traveled in 2 large buses wherever we went. When traveling to and from performances, the Choir members and Elaine were in one bus and everyone else was on the other.


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Hawaii Betsuin Performance - Click on the picture to see a larger version

The Hawaii Betsuin is a large facility on the Pali Highway in Honolulu. Across the highway from the Hondo is a large education complex.


The food was terrific

As is the custom in Hawaii, we are always well fed. In addition to the wonderful food provided for lunch, they provided a cake with a decorative version of the leis that they gave us.


We had a great time - double-click on the pictures to see a larger version

Our hosts made us feel very welcome and Reverend Youth joined in as well. Plenty of Hawaiian flowers were available.


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  1. https://mlndegreecollege.org/
  2. https://www.reefcitizenscience.org/
  5. TOGEL HK/
  6. https://www.gmaveda.com/
  7. https://www.robeytheatrecompany.org/
  8. https://www.wvmlkholidaycommission.org/
  9. https://www.ncces.org/
  10. https://sjbetsuin.com/
  11. https://www.estudioamerica.com/
  12. https://www.oasisnegril.com/
  13. https://www.acornhousecollege.com/
  14. https://www.lssmo.org/
  15. Togel Hongkong
  16. https://www.northernneckaudubon.org/
  17. https://www.davyandkristinmcguire.com/
  18. https://hamasushila.com/
  19. https://www.pierceallen.com/
  20. https://www.john-humphreys.com/
  21. https://ctlacrosse.org/
  22. https://gabinetedehistorianatural.com/
  23. https://schmidlawfirm.com/
  24. https://underwaterroom.com/
  25. https://www.vergeofbrilliance.com/
  26. https://www.projectfatherhood.org/
  27. https://narp2019.org/
  28. https://www.austinarthousefilmfestival.com/