Day Eight
Our Last Day
Nothing Special
by Ken Fujimoto
Today was the last day of our gathering. Some ministers have already left for other parts of Japan. Reverend Imai left for his home in Brazil yesterday. He will travel for the better part of 24 hours.

The students, who study at Ryukoku University and Chuobukkyo Gakuin and who we displaced upon our arrival, have begun to return to their dormitory. Next door, Earl Ikeda of Hawaii is practicing reading the Gobunsho. Reverend David Matsumoto has moved back from his temporary lodgings at the Monbo Kaikan, and has already left this evening for discussions elsewhere.
Among the many phrases that Shinran Shonin uses, the phrase "gi naki wo gi to su" has always intrigued me. The term is found throughout his writings, but I truly encountered and have been perplexed by its usage in Gyaku Toku Myogo Jinen Honi Sho, the letter on naturalness accompanying the manifestation of the myogo (name), found towards the end of The Hymns of the Dharma-Ages (pp. 427-428; The Collected Works of Shinran, Vol. I) and a slightly different version in the Mattosho, the Collection of Letters on the Light of the Last Dharma Age. What first struck me was the difference in the two writings, but this phrase haunted me.
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