July and August Board Bullets

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Betsuin Board Bullets

July 13 and August 03, 2013 Betsuin Board of Directors Meetings

by Joyce Iwasaki

The intent of the Betsuin Board Bullets is to highlight Board actions, decisions, special events and projects. Please contact the Betsuin board officers, directors, or the ministers for more details on any item.

An additional Board Meeting was convened on Saturday, July 13th during lunch at Obon.

July 13, 2013 Meeting

  • Motions

Fundraising Consultant

It was moved/seconded/pass to offer Bruce Davis, fundraising consultant, a contract for planning, development and implementation of a capital fundraising campaign. This contract is for August 01, 2013 to July 31, 2014 which includes a feasibility study plan and analysis.

Nomination and Election of New Board Member

It was moved/seconded/passed to nominate and elect Kevin Kitagawa as a Betsuin Board member to a term beginning in September 2013 and ending in December 2013.

Kevin will serve out this term to the end of 2013, with the option of being nominated and elected at the Betsuin general membership meeting in December to serve a full term going forward.

Establishing a Bank Account for the Construction Project

It was moved/seconded/passed to set up an account with Union Bank solely for the purpose of the construction/renovation project.

August01,2013 Meeting

  • Motions

Approval of Board Meeting Minutes and Notes

It was moved/seconded/passed to accept the Board Meeting Minutes and Notes (notes were taken when lack of quorum occurred) for the May 02nd minutes, June 06 notes, June 27th notes, and July 13th minutes.

Facility Use: Community Youth Service (CYS)

It was moved/seconded/passed to waive the facility use fee for CYS during their usage of the annex for their Pancake Breakfast and two dance recitals for this year. Such agreements between the Betsuin and CYS have occurred in the past.

Ministerial Affairs Committee

It was moved/seconded/passed to accept the Betsuin Organizational Chart.

  • Correspondence

An acknowledgment letter along with a donation was sent to the Board from Mrs Masayo Arii. In addition, an acknowledgment letter along with an additional donation was sent to the Board from Mrs Mary Arii Mah. Both were expressions of gratitude for the Betsuin sponsored funeral service for Mr Mum Arii.

  • Introduction of Bruce Davis, Fundraising Consultant

The Fundraising Committee introduced Bruce Davis to the Board. Bruce is an accomplished nonprofit leader with extensive experience in operations, financial management, strategies planning, fundraising and development, public, community and media relations as well as grantmaking and advocacy experiences.

Bruce explained the roles and responsibilities of the consultant, leadership, staff and volunteers.

  • Annex Renovation Report – Todd Tsudama

A project information booth was set up during Obon and is considered to be the initial public presence for the project. Chris Wasney of Cody Anderson Wasney Architects was available on Saturday afternoon and Kaori Abiko of the firm was available on Sunday afternoon. Both gave information about the project. Board members, under the leadership of Roy Yamanouchi, were in the booth to talk about the “Generations” project.

Todd indicated that the three major committees (membership, infrastructure, and fundraising) are meeting current project timeline benchmarks.

  • Fundraising Committee – Roy Yamanouchi

A Fundraising training session for Board members is set for Thursday, November 07th from 5:30 – 9:30 pm. Bruce Davis will facilitate the training.

  • Golf Committee Report – Joyce Iwasaki

The net profit of the Sixth Annual Betsuin Golf Tournament is approximately $17,000. The committee appreciates the participation of the golfers and dinner attendees, the generosity of the tournament and hole sponsors, the businesses and individuals who donated raffle prizes, San Jose Country Club, Kubota Restaurant, the Betsuin Board and Office Staff, and volunteers.

  • Special Events Report – Steve Ichinaga

2013 Obon

The Board acknowledges the extensive planning and execution of a successful Obon Festival under the leadership of Chairman Jim McClure and Finance Chairman Bud Mine. With the extensive work of core volunteers, the manpower hours, volunteers and participants, the 2013 profit is approximately $13,000 more than last year’s.

Reception for Rev Dr and Mrs Kenji Akahoshi

The July 21st appreciation/farewell reception for the Akahoshis was a successful and touching send off to Kenji and Karen Akahoshi as they embark into their assignment and resident minister and wife at the San Diego Buddhist Temple.

The event was filled with excitement, friendship, entertainment, presentations, speeches, laughter and tears as we wish the Akahoshis well in their new adventure.

The Board extends its appreciation to all the organizations, groups and individuals that sent food and beverages to share. Thank you to all who attended. The annex was brimful of well wishers! Special thanks are extended to the reception committee members: Janice Doi, Al Hironaga, Joyce Iwasaki and Emi Tsutsumi.

  • Ministerial Affairs Committee – Joyce Iwasaki

Through the diligent and thoughtful work of Al Hironaga, a Betsuin Organizational Chart was presented and approved at this Board meeting. The intent of the chart is to help leaders, groups, staff, organizations and individuals understand the temple structure and how information flows and where accountability occurs.

Organizations and individuals have access to this chart through their Board representatives and through other Board members. The chart is available to everyone upon request from Board members and through the Betsuin office.