BCA Responds to Pandemic
Coronavirus Updates - Updated 5.1.21
Betsuin office still responding to emails and telephone calls
The Betsuin office and facilities are closed until further notice due to the coronavirus restrictions. But the office staff is working remotely and can answer your questions and help you as needed. You can leave a message at 408-293-9292 or email [email protected]
Dial the Dharma
For those who don’t have internet access to watch video Dharma talks or participate in Zoom gatherings, the Office of the Bishop has created a “Dial the Dharma” phone messaging service.
Here’s how it works:
Dial 415-528-7220. You will be connected to a 5 minute message by Rev. Marvin Harada, the new bishop of the Buddhist Churches of America. The message will be changed periodically, according to the bishop’s office.
Please share the phone number with people you know who don’t have internet access or would like to listen to the message.
Watch the virtual service every Sunday
We’ve had four online services since the shelter-in-place order was issued. As of April 9, the Ohigan service on March 15 had 394 views, the March 22 service had 267 views, the March 29 service had 317 views and the April 5 service had 307 views.
Please join in by watching! Make it a family activity. Don’t forget to hit the subscribe button!
The services are at 10 a.m. Sundays, and can be viewed live on the Betsuin YouTube channel: SJBetsuin Videos or you can view it at a later time. There will also be a link on the
Betsuin Facebook page shortly before the service begins:
And … if you don’t have a service book at home. Check this out: https://drive.google.com/file/d/18Kl4SOj0EyQPmaF9NHeC5m1nLBJL6PDA/view?fbclid=I wAR1cqT4EusyDyhVKBhbVKTH-vmLBRbsKY9ra69MvdiW0TqjXicZuzIqF6dg
BCA YouTube Channel
You can also check out the Buddhist Churches of America channel, which has two videos by new Bishop Marvin Harada.
There are also some Dharma Messages about the coronavirus by other ministers: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLtZAGNf9kpV3m57qZzEbIQ
Volunteers ready to help the Sangha
We have volunteers ready to help Sangha members who need help with shopping or anything else. Please email or call the office if you know someone who needs assistance, 408-293-9292 or [email protected] .
Rev. Mikame is also volunteering
Rev. Mikame has been helping out at Yu-Ai Kai. Although lunches currently aren’t being serve at Yu-Ai Kai, people are picking up box lunches. Rev. Mikame is taking the temperature of people who are coming to pick up their meals.
Betsuin blog
The Betsuin has a blog, with contributions from the ministers and minister assistants: byakudoandme.wordpress.com. If you have any contributions, let Rinban know, [email protected]. Maybe you have children have made a video or you have a photo or story to share. Let us know how you are doing and what you are doing while sheltering in place and social distancing.
ABA Rummage Sale
The Rummage Sale has been cancelled because of the coronavirus pandemic.
2021 Obon Festival and Bazaar
The Betsuin Board of Directors have decided the 2021 Obon Festival will be virtual once again! Look for more information for 2021 Obon@Home. We look forward to celebrating Obon@Home with everyone!
The Board of Directors and Ministers feel the priority is the health and safety of the Sangha, volunteers and visitors.
Coronavirus Updates - Updated 5.1.21
San Jose Buddhist Church Betsuin and the Covid-19 coronavirus
Sunday services, Dharma School and Church activities suspended indefinitely
- This cancellation includes the following Sunday Service activities
- 9:30 Dharma School Service
- 10:10 Adult English Service
- 8:15 Sitting
- Dharma School Classes
For an updated event and schedule change list click here.
Rinban Sakamoto and Rev. Mikame will conduct virtual services that will be streamed live and can be viewed at http://bit.ly/2VYqSoV, by clicking on a link in the Betsuin’s Facebook page, www.facebook.com/sjbetsuin or search for SJBETSUIN.videos on YouTube.
Dharma School suspended indefinitely.
Church office and Nokotsudo will be CLOSED - the temple office plans to reopen when circumstances allow. Please return to this page for updates.
We recommend church groups, affiliated organizations and other groups cancel their scheduled activities in temple facilities until further notice.
If you do decide to cancel an event, please notify the office staff at 408-293-9292 or [email protected].
If you have questions or need help during this period, please contact the Betsuin office, 408-293-9292 or [email protected].
San Jose Buddhist Church Betsuin
Coronavirus Update: Event Changes 5.1.2021
We will begin offering in person Hondo (Temple) weddings, funerals and memorial services beginning Tuesday, June 1st. We are still operating at least one Tier/level higher than the Santa Clara County guidelines. We will continue to move forward cautiously. This means, in person services will be limited to 30 people maximum plus the officiating minister(s). No Otoki/Refreshments will be allowed at this time. Please email ([email protected]) or call (408-293-9292) the Betsuin office to schedule services. If we’re not able to answer your phone call, please leave us a message.
Sunday services and special services will remain virtual until further notice. Virtual memorial and funeral services are still available as an option.
The Nokotsudo is open by advance appointment only. The Betsuin office is still closed to in person visits. The office staff can be reached by email ([email protected]) or by phone (408-293-9292). We’re still here to help as much as we can, so please email or call us.
Although more activities are permitted and capacities have increased, please be careful as you reenter the world. Many of these activities remain high risk so please consider the safety of everyone around.
In Gassho,
Betsuin Office Staff
Additional Information
SJBC Coronavirus Update (March 11, 2020)
SJBC Coronavirus Fact Sheet_Final (March 11, 2020)
Coronavirus Health Recommendations (March 9, 2020)
External Sources for Additional Information and Recommendations
Santa Clara County Public Health Department
Center for Disease Control and Prevention
Order of the Health Officer of Santa Clara County (March 13, 2020)
Santa Clara County Coronavirus Guidance 3/13/20