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Dharma Talk Videos

Recorded Dharma Talks
The following are various Dharma Talk videos recorded during our weekly Sunday Services.

Jan 08, 2012 - Reverend Sakamoto gives the first Dharma message of the year, talks about breaking his glasses and the origin of his Buddhist name.

Jan 23, 2011 - Rinban Fujimoto gives this Dharma talk on the eight sufferings.

Dec 19, 2010 - In this Dharma talk, Rinban Fujimoto talks about how the incense burner is a perfect reflection of the causes and conditions that are a part of our daily lives.

Nov 28, 2010 - Rev Sakamoto was a little under the weather, but managed to still give this insightful post-Thanksgiving Dharma talk.

Nov 14, 2010 - As part of our Eitaikyo service, our guest speaker was Dr. Nobuo Haneda. He is the director of the Maida Center in Berkeley, California. He discussed the difference how Buddhist teachers read Buddhist text, one way being general/objective and the other being subjective/experiential.

Nov 7, 2010 - Rev Sakamoto gives the Dharma talk

Oct 10, 2010 - Rinban Fujimoto gives the Dharma talk

Sept 26th, 2010 - Ohigan service - Special guest speaker was Rev. Eijun Kujo, minister emeritus and former minister of the San Mateo Buddhist Church.

Sept 19th, 2010 - Reverend Sakamoto delivers the Dharma Talk for our Sunday Service.

Sept 12th, 2010 - Rinban Fujimoto delivers the Dharma Talk for our Sunday Service.

Jan 31st, 2010 - Rinban Fujimoto delivers the Dharma Talk for our Dana Day Service.

Jan 17th, 2010 - Guest Speaker: Rev. Dr. Seigen Yamaoka, BCA Minister Emeritus, delivers the Dharma Talk for our Ho Onko service.

Dec 20th, 2009 - Rev. Sakamoto gives this Dharma Talk during the holiday season.

Nov 9th, 2009 - Rev. Fujimoto's Dharma talk for our Adult Buddhist Service. (Sorry for the letterbox formatting, working out kinks with new video equipment).

Sept 27th, 2009 - Rev. Sakamoto's Dharma talk for our Adult Service on September 27th, 2009.

Sept 20th, 2009 - Guest speaker Rev. Eijun Kujo's Dharma talk for our Ohigan Service on September 20th, 2009.

Sept 13th, 2009 - Rinban Fujimoto gives the Dharma talk on the first day of the Fall 2009 services. Thanks to creatvsj.org for the use of their camera for this service.

Aug 9th, 2009 - Rinban Fujimoto talks about the Wasan's and explains their origin and meanings, in preparation for the 750th Shinran Shonin Memorial celebration.

July 19th, 2009 - Reverend George Matsubayashi gave the Dharma talk for our Obon Service.

July 5th, 2009 - Reverend Sakamoto gives this Dharma talk.

June 14, 2009 - Reverend Sakamoto uses this Dharma talk to discuss the San Jose Buddhist Temple's own Onaijin (altar), some history and significance of the various items and statues. This comes from our Sunday Adult Buddhist Service.

June 7, 2009 - Guest speaker Ms. Delphine Hirasuna delivers this talk at our Baccalaureate Service (video included with her permission).

May 31, 2009 - Reverend Sakamoto delivers the Pet Memorial Day Dharma message.

May 24, 2009 - Reverend Sakamoto delivers the Memorial Day Dharma message.

May 10, 2009 - Rinban Fujimoto delivers the Mother's Day Dharma message.

March 29, 2009 - Rinban Fujimoto delivers the Dharma message and asks us to 'Hold the applause'.

March 22, 2009 - Kurt Rye from the Fresno Buddhist Temple delivers the Dharma Talk for the Ohigan Service

March 08, 2009 - Reverend Sakamoto delivers the Dharma message.

Feb 25, 2009 - Rinban Fujimoto delivers the Dharma message.

Feb 8, 2009 - Rinban Fujimoto delivers the Dharma message at this special Dana Day Sunday Service.

Feb 1, 2009 - Reverend Sakamoto delivers the Dharma message at this special Boy Scouts Day Sunday Service.

Jan 25, 2009 - Rinban Fujimo giving his Dharma Talk at our 10:10am Adult Service on Sunday.

Jan 18, 2009 - Guest speaker Rinban Noriaki Ito, LA Higashi Hongwanji delivers the Dharma message for our Ho-onko Service (recorded with his kind permission).

Jan 11, 2009 - Rev Sakamoto's Dharma talk.

Jan 4, 2009 - Rev Sakamoto's Dharma talk is entitled "Cold in San Jose".

Dec 21st, 2008 - Rev Sakamoto talks about how traditions originate.

Dec 14, 2008 - Rev Sakamoto talks about interdependence in his Dharma talk.

Nov 30, 2008 - Rinban Fujimoto Dharma talk - Pt 1

Nov 30, 2008 - Rinban Fujimoto Dharma talk - Pt 2

Follow this link for previous Dharma messages videotaped from our Sunday Services

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