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The San Jose Buddhist Church Betsuin is collecting monetary donations for relief efforts in conjunction with the Buddhist Churches of America and the Hongwanji in Kyoto. If you would like to help, please make checks payable to the SAN JOSE BUDDHIST CHURCH BETSUIN and make a notation for the "Japan Earthquake and Tsunami Relief" by WEDNESDAY, APRIL 13, 2011.

San Jose Buddhist Church
640 North 5th Street
San Jose, CA 95112
All contributions will be bundled and forwarded to our home temple, the Hongwanji, for direct purchase and distribution of drinking water, food, and medical supplies.

To date the Nishi Hongwanji has:

  • immediately sent 30,000,000 yen for initial aide
  • established temporary relief effort headquarters in Tokyo and Tohoku
  • later established headquarters for coordinated relief
  • sent 4 separate groups of volunteers to assist in affected areas
  • sent 3,000 towels to people in the area
  • serving food to those in the area at the Sendai Betsuin


We are coordinating a Japan Earthquake/Tsunami Relief effort with the following organizations:

  • BCA, Buddhist Churches of America, San Francisco, CA
  • Hongwanji Temple, Kyoto, Japan
  • Girl Scout Troop
  • Cub Scout Pack 611
  • Boy Scout Troop 611
  • San Jose Japantown Community Congress

Tax deductible monetary donations are being accepted by and directed to:
San Jose Buddhist Church
640 North 5th Street, San Jose, CA 95112

All contributions will be bundled and forwarded to our home temple, the Hongwanji for direct purchase and distribution of drinking water, food, and medical supplies.

Scouts and Scout Leaders in uniform will be on hand to accept contributions in front of the SJ Buddhist Church. If its raining too hard we will be in the main Gym but will make every effort to be outside.

Earthquake/Tsunami Victims Service
We are going to have a 2nd 7th Day Service for the Earthquake/Tsunami victims on Thursday, 3/24, at 7:00 PM. This will be a joint service with Mt. View Temple and the Nichiren Temple here in San Jose.

All offerings will be sent to Japan through the different avenues selected by each group.

Details to follow.

New to the San Jose Betsuin? Read this introduction and history of our temple.

2011 Earth Day Contest information now available (PDF).

More: Introduction to the San Jose Buddhist Betsuin (our popular introductory brochure now available in online format). This includes the history of our temple, as well as a great overview on Pure Land Buddhism.

About the San Jose Buddhist Church Betsuin

Founded in 1902, San Jose Buddhist Church Betsuin (SJBCB) is a Temple of the Jodo Shinshu Nishi Hongwanji (Japanese | English) tradition of Buddhism. Jodo Shinshu began over 800 years ago in Japan, and is still headquarted in Kyoto. The Nishi Hongwanji main Temple provides leadership worldwide for the tradition. SJBCB is a member of the Buddhist Churches of America (BCA) and part of the Coast District.

We are located in the Japantown area of downtown San Jose. Our primary focus is on following the path to enlightenment by preserving faith the Three Treasures: Dharma (the teachings), Sangha (the people), and Buddha (the Enlightened One).

We are located at 640 North 5th Street in San Jose, CA 95112 (Google Map | Directions).

Call us at (408) 293-9292. Fax (408) 293-0433.

Rinban Fujimoto Dharma Talk

Come check out some recent Dharma Talks from the Sunday Adult services in the video section.

All general queries should go to [email protected]. Website specific questions and and updates may be emailed to [email protected].

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