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Membership Info

How to become a member of San Jose Buddhist Church Betsuin

Membership in San Jose Buddhist Church Betsuin includes membership in the Buddhist Churches of America (BCA). Both organizations have monthly publications which are mailed to members. San Jose's monthly newsletter, The Dharma, contains a religious message from Rinban Fujimoto, resident minister Reverend Gerald Sakamoto, a message from the President of the Temple, announcements, organization updates, a Japanese-language section, and a calendar of events. The BCA's monthly newspaper, The Wheel of Dharma, contains monthly messages from the Bishop and others, articles and a Japanese-language section.

Dues are not fixed in amount. It is up to each member to decide what they can give. Our current recommended monthly pledge is $50. San Jose Buddhist Church Betsuin collects the dues and pays the BCA portion for the member.

To become a member, simply complete the membership form (see the link below) and mail, fax or deliver the form to the office. There are two ways to complete the form - you can print it out and fill it out by hand, or you may fill in the form on line and print out the completed form (sorry - you will not be able to save the completed form or submit the form via the internet).

Membership Form (click this link for the membership form)

Mail or deliver to: San Jose Buddhist Church Betsuin, 640 North 5th Street, San Jose, CA 95112


Fax to: (408)293-0433

All general queries should go to [email protected]. Website specific questions and and updates may be emailed to [email protected].

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