


Scholarship Information and Availability

Updated March 23, 2008

San Jose Buddhist Church Betsuin Scholarships

  • San Jose Buddhist Church Betsuin Scholarship
  • Ray and Lucy Matsumoto Scholarship
  • James Takeo Hashimoto Memorial Scholarship
  • San Jose Buddhist Church Adult Buddhist Association (ABA) Scholarship
  • Masato and Chieno Kumada Memorial Scholarship
  • Ben and Kimie Sanematsu Memorial Scholarship
  • Sadao Sakai Memorial Scholarship

These scholarships are offered to San Jose Betsuin graduating seniors whose families are current members of the San Jose Betsuin for a minimum of one year. Use the application above to apply for any and all of the following 7 scholarships.

Here are the Word document links for the Cover Letter and Application

San Jose Buddhist Church Betsuin Scholarship

The San Jose Buddhist Church Betsuin Scholarship is offered to outstanding graduating high school seniors. Candidates are evaluated on the basis of SJ Temple participation, academic achievement, participation in school, community activities and work experience.

Ray and Lucy Matsumoto Scholarship

Ray and Lucy Matsumoto have established a Betsuin Scholarship to honor a graduating senior who is planning on entering school as a business major. This high school senior would reflect the changing challenges that face the high school senior in today's environment. With this scholarship, the Matsumoto's hope to promote the importance of a business education.

James Takeo Hashimoto Memorial Scholarship

The Hashimoto family has established a scholarship to be awarded to a graduating high school senior in memory of the late James Takeo Hashimoto, an active supporter of the San Jose Buddhist Church Betsuin. The recipient of this award is a Buddhist youth who subscribes to the Bodhisatva ideal and who actively participates in San Jose Bestuin sponsored youth programs.

San Jose Buddhist Church Adult Buddhist Association (ABA) Scholarship

The San Jose Buddhist Church Betsuin Adult Buddhist Association, in recognition, of the value of education and especially for the young people of our Sangha, have established this scholarship. The graduating high school senior has attained academic achievements, in addition to their support of Temple and community activities.

Masato and Chieno Kumada Memorial Scholarship

The family of Masato and Chieno Kumada has endowed an annual scholarship in memory of their parents who believed in the importance of education. The family hopes this scholarship will provide some assistance and encouragement to a graduating high school senior in their pursuit of a higher education. The recipient is recognized for their academic achievement and participation in temple activities.

Ben and Kimie Sanematsu Memorial Scholarship

Ben Sanematsu initially endowed this annual college scholarship in memory of his wife, Kimie Yanagawa Sanematsu, a dedicated educator for twenty-five years. An active Betsuin member and successful undergraduate student is awarded this college scholarship. The award has now been changed to honor both Ben and Kimie.

Sadao Sakai Memorial Scholarship

The family of Sadao Sakai established this scholarship to be awarded to either a graduating high school student or a student currently enrolled in college. The recipient must be supportive in their community and active within the Buddhist Church.

The attached 2 application forms are for three scholarship programs, one of which is the Ed Iwasaki Memorial Fund Scholarships for 2008 graduating high school seniors ~ students from throughout the United States are eligible to apply for this one (a past recipient is from Hawaii another from Oregon as well as many from California).

The JACROSV fund encompasses the SF Bay Area students while the ED / HT Scholarships focus on Silicon Valley high school graduates and college students. The EK/HT deadline may be extended, please have applicants email Barry Tao to confirm the extension [email protected].

The JACROSV and EIMF (combined application form) deadline is May 16th.

Both application forms may be downloaded from:


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