Boy Scouts



History - Six Eleven year old boys

Troop 611 was established in 1968 with six eleven (611) year old boys. Tosh Tsukamoto and George Hanada were the first Scoutmasters for the San Jose Betsuin Boy Scout troop. Roy Iwamoto, youth director for the San Jose Betsuin, promoted the founding of Troop 611 and later Cub Scout Pack 611.


Scouts in Internment Camps:
Troop 343 - Heart Mountain, George Imokawa, Art Okuno

Japanese-American Boy Scout Reunion, June 9, 2005
A salute to those who took part in Scouting during their stay in internment camps during World War II.

Washington Post Troop 343 Reunion article, July 2005

Saratoga News reunion article, July 2005

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