Buddhists in the country of Rice, America Do you eat rice? I always eat rice which was offered to the Buddha for the Sunday morning service. We called the Buddhists in the country of Rice, Americasjbetsuin2021-06-06T11:14:27-07:00
Hatred does not cease with hate. Hatred ceases with compassion The recorded acts of violence against Asians and Pacific Islanders continues to rise. There are many videos documenting these horrific acts. Acts Hatred does not cease with hate. Hatred ceases with compassionsjbetsuin2021-06-06T11:12:22-07:00
June President’s Message We are halfway through the year and things are finally starting to look up! We have certainly been in a dark tunnel June President’s Messagesjbetsuin2021-06-06T11:09:00-07:00