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San Jose BCB Jr. YBA Cabinet
Description and Duties (as of June 2003) - Updated 5/20/03
Cabinet Positions and Associated Advisors

The sections below describe the intended duties of each Jr. YBA Cabinet position as well as those of the Advisor supporting that position. These descriptions provide a minimum guideline for each position and the requirements of a specific term or situation may dictate that the Cabinet member or Advisor step up to a broader set of responsibilities.

All terms are one year commencing and ending in June at the annual transition meeting.

All Cabinet Members and Advisors should be prepared to attend, and actively participate all Cabinet and General Meetings.

All Advisors should be prepared to meet with their assigned Cabinet members in groups or on a 1-on-1 basis to insure that the Cabinet member is able to carry out their assignments in a complete and timely manner. This is an opportunity for mentoring. At the end of each year (June), the Advisor should meet with the assigned Cabinet member to prepare a list of comments and suggestions for improvements in the processes for the next Cabinet.

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Cabinet Position / Advisor Matrix

Cabinet Position
President Jr. YBA Advisor
Vice President Assistant Jr. YBA Advisor
Treasurer Treasury Advisor
Religious Chairperson Religious Advisor
Recording Secretary Assistant Jr. YBA Advisor
Corresponding Secretary - dropped Position Dropped
Activities Chairperson Activities Advisor
Membership Chairperson Membership Advisor
Fundraising Chairperson Fundraising Advisor
Community Service Chairperson Activities Advisor
Sports Chairperson Sports Advisor
Historian Historian Advisor
Publicity Chairperson Publicity Advisor

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Cabinet Positions


(Advisor - Jr. YBA Advisor)

The President serves as the overall leader of the Jr. YBA chapter and as the primary representative of the chapter at Coast District, WYBL, or BCA events. The person holding this role should be at least a junior in High School and should have been in the organization for at least one full year prior to taking office.

The minimum duties are as follows:

· Schedule all General and Cabinet meetings for the chapter, including meeting room arrangements.
· Chair all Cabinet Meetings, and chair or select an alternate chair for all General Meetings.
· Work with the temple ministers to schedule services prior to each General Meeting.
· Insure that the ministers are invited to attend all meetings.
· Initiate phone and/or email communications to members.
· Appoint unfilled Cabinet positions as necessary.
· Attend Coast District YBA Meetings as the representative to the Chapter.
· As requested, attend WYBL or BCA Meetings as the Chapter representative.
· Make brief reports to Cabinet on outside meetings attended
· Serve as the primary liaison between the SJBCB Office Staff and the Jr. YBA
· Drive the creation of a budget to be submitted to the temple's Board of Directors in early October of each year.
· Delegate tasks to other Cabinet members using the role descriptions as a guideline

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(Advisor - Assistant Jr. YBA Advisor)

The Vice-President serves as the second in command, and alternate overall leader of the Jr. YBA chapter. The VP may be called upon, by the President or Jr. YBA Advisor to act as the primary representative of the chapter at Coast District, WYBL, or BCA events. The person holding this role should be at least a sophomore in High School and should have been in the organization for at least one full year prior to taking office. This position should be viewed as preparatory for taking on the role of President in the following year.

The minimum duties are as follows:

· As requested by the President or the Jr. YBA Advisor, chair Cabinet Meetings, and General Meetings.
· Assist the President in working with other Cabinet members to fulfill their roles.
· Fill in for the President when he/she is unable to fulfill their role.
· As requested by the President or the Jr. YBA Advisor, attend Coast District YBA Meetings as the representative to the Chapter.
· As requested by the President or the Jr. YBA Advisor, attend WYBL or BCA Meetings as the Chapter representative.
· May be asked to chair Cabinet, General or other Jr. YBA-related meetings

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(Advisor - Treasury Advisor)

The Treasurer is responsible for the finances of the Chapter. Working with their Advisor, the Treasurer secures signature authority for all Chapter accounts and manages those accounts actively. The person holding this role should be at least a sophomore in High School and should have been in the organization for at least one full year prior to taking office.

The minimum duties are as follows:

· Secure signature authority for all Chapter bank accounts.
· Reimburse members and Advisors for approved expenses, while keeping detailed track of the receipts.
· Work with the Religious and other Cabinet members to insure that prepayment of registration or participation fees for all events are paid in a timely manner.
· Insure that the Chapter pays its Coast District and WYBL dues on time.
· Request funds from the Temple per budget as necessary, working with the Advisors.
· Help prepare the budget to be submitted to the temple's Board of Directors in early October of each year.
· Prepare a written budget report to be submitted and presented at each Cabinet Meeting. Copies must go to President and Recording Secretary.
· Record and deposit all funds into YBA bank accounts.
· Provide seed money (for making change) and a cash box to YBA events where sales are made

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Religious Chairperson

(Advisor - Religious Advisor)

The Religious Chairperson has two primary roles. First, the position serves as the primary liaison to the temple ministers. Second, the position is responsible for the Chapter's participation in all District YBA, and WYBL events. The person holding this role should be at least a sophomore in High School and should have been in the organization for at least one full year prior to taking office.

The minimum duties are as follows:

· Conduct opening and closing Gassho for all meetings.
· Represent the Chapter for Daihyo-Shoko for all special services at the Temple, and for services at YBA or WYBL events.
· If the Religious Chairperson cannot attend an event requiring Daihyo-Shoko representation, they are responsible for appointing a representative.
· Provide information and registration packets to Chapter members and parents regarding YBA and WYBL events.
· Collect registration forms and fees for all YBA and WYBL events.
· Work with the Religious Advisor to secure all lodging and transportation required for YBA and WYBL events.
· Work with the Treasurer to insure that all fees for YBA and WYBL events are paid in full and on time.

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Recording Secretary

(Advisor - Assistant Jr. YBA Advisor)

The Recording Secretary is responsible for insuring that a proper record is kept for all Cabinet and General Meetings. The person holding this role should be at least a sophomore in High School and should have been in the organization for at least one full year prior to taking office.

The minimum duties are as follows:

· Record the attendance for all General and Cabinet Meetings.
· Record the minutes for all General and Cabinet Meetings, making sure to capture subject and speaker for any reports, and particularly the motion, second and vote result for any motion made during the meeting.
· Gather a copy of each handout and report presented at Cabinet and General Meetings.
· At each General and Cabinet Meeting, present a written copy of the minutes of the previous meeting for review and approval.
· Maintain a binder of all meeting minutes to hand over to the next Recording Secretary at the June transition meeting.
· Archive a copy of all meeting minutes and hand them over to the Historian at the end of each year (June transition meeting).

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Corresponding Secretary - This position has been dropped as of the 2003/2004 term.

The Corresponding Secretary is responsible for insuring written communications to and from parties internal and external to the Cabinet is done in a timely manner. The person holding this role should be at least a sophomore in High School and should have been in the organization for at least one full year prior to taking office.

The minimum duties are as follows:

· Create and send thank-you letters and other letters of acknowledgement as directed by the Cabinet, President, Minister, or Advisor.
· Provide the original of any incoming correspondence to the President.
· Create and send other communications as assigned by the Cabinet, President, Minister, or Advisor.

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Activities Chairperson

(Advisor - Activities Advisor)

The Activities Chairperson is responsible for organizing and running activities internal to the Chapter, such as sleepovers or local outings, and for coordinating the Chapter's involvement with other Chapter's in joint activities. The person holding this role should be at least a sophomore in High School and should have been in the organization for at least one full year prior to taking office.

The minimum duties are as follows:

· Discuss ideas for activities at Cabinet and General Meetings. Present ideas in writing when possible for better communication.
· Schedule and organize ice-breakers for General Meetings and events.
· Send out notification of planned activities to all members and parents after obtaining approval from the Cabinet or President.
· Work with the Publicity Chairperson to advertise events.
· Plan the activity agenda, location and logistics.
· Insure that facilities for any and all activities are secured in a timely manner.
· Work with Activities Advisor to insure that proper security, transportation, and/or food provisions will be available for the activity.
· Track registration for the activity and advise the Activities Advisor and the Cabinet of any issues surrounding the activity.

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Membership Chairperson

(Advisor - Membership Advisor)

The Membership Chairperson is responsible for the registration of all Chapter YBA members, and for the paying of any Coast District or WYBL dues. This position requires a great deal of organizational skill. The position is very active from September through early November, and then again in the May timeframe. The person holding this role should be at least a sophomore in High School and should have been in the organization for at least one full year prior to taking office.

The minimum duties are as follows:

· Distribute registration packets at the June transition meeting for the following year.
· Make registration packets available to the Church Office Staff for distribution on request.
· Collect all registration information and insure that all forms are completed properly and that all fees are turned in.
· Create a computer-based roster of all members, their parents, phone numbers, email addresses and home addresses.
· Turn over all funds received to the Treasurer for deposit, taking care to track all funds received and turned over to the Treasurer.
· Provide copies of the roster on request to all members, parents, ministers, and advisors.
· Work with the Treasurer to insure that all Coast District and WYBL dues are paid on time.
· Create at least two books containing medical release forms for each member.

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Fundraising Chairperson

(Advisor - Fundraising Advisor)

The Fundraising Chairperson is responsible organization and execution of any and all fundraising activities for the Chapter. Typically, this has been a two-year position held by two members elected on a staggered schedule. This usually involves bake sales and car washes, but other activities may be initiated. The person holding this role should be at least a sophomore in High School and should have been in the organization for at least one full year prior to taking office.

The minimum duties are as follows:

· Drive the generation and discussion for fundraising ideas.
· Organize the manpower required for each event.
· Create and distribute the contribution requirements for any event to members and parents.
· Work with the Advisor to insure proper Advisor coverage during the event.
· Work with the Publicity Chairperson to advertise the event.
· Insure any facility or other reservation required for the event is completed.
· Work with the Treasurer to secure any seed money required for the event.
· Keep complete records regarding the manpower and contributions received from each member and their family.
· Turn over all funds at the end of the event to the Treasurer for deposit.
· Work with the Corresponding Secretary to provide written acknowledgement to any business or non-member benefactor (contributor) for any event.
· Report on the details of the event at the next Cabinet and General Meetings.

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Community Service Chairperson

(Advisor - Community Service Advisor)

The Community Service Chairperson is responsible organization and execution of any and all activities benefiting the community. Typically, this has been a two-year position held by two members elected on a staggered schedule. Activities include Yu Ai Kai Motchitsuki, New Year's Luncheon decorations, the annual Fuji Towers Bingo Night, Hanamido decorations, Baccalaureate Luncheon and Church Clean-up. The role requires the ability to communicate well, in both verbal and written forms with outside suppliers and organizations. The person holding this role should be at least a sophomore in High School and should have been in the organization for at least one full year prior to taking office.

The minimum duties are as follows:

· Organize the manpower required for each event.
· Create and distribute the contribution requirements for any event to members and parents.
· Work with the Advisor to insure proper Advisor coverage during the event.
· Work with the Publicity Chairperson to advertise the event.
· Insure any facility or other reservation required for the event is completed.
· Keep complete records regarding the manpower and contributions received from each member and their family.
· Purchase necessary items and supplies
· Work with the Corresponding Secretary to provide written acknowledgement to any business or non-member benefactor (contributor) for any event.
· Report on the details of the event at the next Cabinet and General Meetings.

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Sports Chairperson

(Advisor - Sports Advisor)

The Sports Chairperson is responsible for organizing and running sporting activities internal to the Chapter, such as volleyball and basketball, and for coordinating the Chapter's involvement with other Chapter's in joint or tournament activities. The person holding this role should be at least a sophomore in High School and should have been in the organization for at least one full year prior to taking office.

The minimum duties are as follows:

· Discuss ideas for sports activities at Cabinet and General Meetings.
· Focus on getting as many members as possible participating in the events.
· Work with members to think of new ideas for sports activities both to keep current participants interested and to get other members involved.
· Send out notification of planned activities to all members and parents after obtaining approval from the Cabinet or President.
· Plan the activity agenda, location and logistics (including Open Gym times)
· Insure that facilities for any and all activities are secured in a timely manner.
· Work with Sports Advisor to insure that proper security, transportation, and/or food provisions will be available for the activity.
· Track registration for the activity and advise the Sports Advisor and the Cabinet of any issues surrounding the activity.
· For Tournaments or other organized, multi-group activities:
o Provide information and registration packets to Chapter members and parents.
o Collect registration forms and fees.
o Work with the Sports Advisor to secure all required lodging and transportation.
o Work with the Treasurer to insure that all fees are paid in full and on time.

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(Advisor - Historian Advisor)

The Historian is responsible for the proper recording and archival of all Chapter events and proceedings. The position includes responsibility for both obtaining and organizing the recorded materials. The person holding this role should be at least a junior in High School and should have been in the organization for at least one full year prior to taking office.

The minimum duties are as follows:

· Obtain a copy of all Budget Reports and Meeting Minutes throughout the year.
· Insure that picture are taken to record each major YBA event.
· Obtain program booklets or agendas for each major event.
· Place all materials in a chronological file for the year.
· As requested, provide historical materials to interested temple parties.
· Turn over each year's completed history to the Temple Historian for placement in the Church Archives.

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Publicity Chairperson

(Advisor - Publicity Advisor)

The Publicity Chairperson is responsible for making Jr. YBA plan and events known to the appropriate audience. The position includes responsibility for creating and disseminating publicity for upcoming events as well as reporting on past events in media such as the Temple's Dharma Newsletter. The Publicity Chairperson should be comfortable with creative writing. The person holding this role should be at least a sophomore in High School and should have been in the organization for at least one full year prior to taking office.

The minimum duties are as follows:

· Work with other Cabinet members to assess the publicity needs on an on-going basis.
· Prepare advertisements and creative copy for Chapter events and fundraisers.
· Submit advertisements to appropriate newsletters, papers or other media.
· Work with webmaster (if available) to place pertinent information on Church Website.
· Prepare and distribute advertising flyers to the local community for local events.
· Recruit other members to help in the creation and distribution of flyers and other publicity pieces.

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Advisor Positions

Jr. YBA Advisor

This position serves as the primary Advisor to the Chapter. Working most closely with the President of the Chapter, the Jr. YBA Advisor is the adult responsible for the functions of the YBA and for the appointment of all other Advisors.

The minimum duties are as follows:

· Advise and partner with the Chapter President.
· Appoint all other Advisors.
· Attend Cabinet, General, and District Meetings.
· Act as Advisor liaison between Advisors of other chapters, districts, or the BCA.
· Schedule and chair Parent Meetings as appropriate.
· Meet with all advisors on a regular basis to insure communications

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Assistant Jr. YBA Advisor

This position serves as the secondary Advisor to the Chapter. Working most closely with the Vice-President of the Chapter, the Jr. YBA Advisor is the alternate adult responsible for the functions of the YBA. The Assistant Advisor also works closely with, and is the primary Advisor to both the Recording and Corresponding Secretaries. This position should be viewed as a precursor to becoming Jr. YBA Advisor.

The minimum duties are as follows:

· Advise and partner with the Chapter Vice-President.
· Advise and partner with the Chapter Recording Secretary.
· Advise and partner with the Chapter Corresponding Secretary.
· Assist the Jr. YBA Advisor in the appointment of other Advisors.
· Fill in for the Jr. YBA Advisor when he/she is unable to fulfill their role.
· Attend Cabinet and General Meetings.
· As requested by the Jr. YBA Advisor, act as Advisor liaison between Advisors of other chapters, districts, or the BCA.
· Assist in and attend Parent Meetings as called by the Jr. YBA Advisor.

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Treasury Advisor

This position serves as the Advisor to the Chapter Treasurer. This Advisor should be comfortable with checking and savings account management.

The minimum duties are as follows:

· Advise and partner with the Chapter Treasurer.
· With the Treasurer, obtain signature authority for all Chapter accounts.
· Monitor and co-sign the reimbursement of expenses, and payment of dues and fees.
· Review the monthly Treasury Report with the Treasure before it is submitted to the Cabinet.
· Work with the appropriate financial institutions and other organizations to insure that the funds of the Chapter are protected and are being handled correctly.

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Religious Advisor

This position serves as the Advisor to the Chapter Religious Chairperson. The focus of this position is on helping the Religious Chairperson with the registration and accommodations processes for all YBA and WYBL events. This individual will have to make reservations and arrange financial guarantees of transportation and rooms for events held away from the Temple.

The minimum duties are as follows:

· Advise and partner with the Religious Chairperson.
· Negotiate, sign and guarantee contracts for transportation and lodging for YBA and WYBL events.
· Insure that all medical release forms and contact lists are available during the event.
· Insure appropriate advisor-to-member ratio for all YBA/WYBL events.
· Act as the primary adult contact for YBA and WYBL events.
· Create phone tree for parent-notification process

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Activities Advisor

This position serves as the Advisor to the Chapter Activities Chairperson. The focus of this position is on helping the Activities Chairperson with the planning and successful running of all Chapter-internal activities and for activities done in conjunction with other Chapters. The nature of these activities is generally sleepovers at the Church Gym, broomball, beach outings, or miniature golf, though this is not an exhaustive list. This individual will have to make reservations and arrange financial guarantees for any provision of the activity requiring a legal contract or agreement.

The minimum duties are as follows:

· Advise and partner with the Activities Chairperson.
· Assist the assigned Cabinet members with communications and presentations
· Negotiate, sign and guarantee contracts related to the event.
· Insure appropriate advisor-to-member ratio for all events.
· Insure that all medical release forms are available during the event.
· Act as the primary adult contact for all events sponsored by the Activities Chairperson.

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Membership Advisor

This position serves as the Advisor to the Chapter Membership Chairperson. The focus of this position is on helping the Membership Chairperson with the preparation dissemination, collection and organization of registration information. The Advisor and Chairperson must be very well organized with good attention to detail. There is a lot of paperwork involved, and money is received from all members.

The minimum duties are as follows:

· Advise and partner with the Membership Chairperson.
· Help organize and collate the membership information and paperwork.
· Insure the appropriate handling of personal information.
· Assist the Membership Chairperson, where necessary, in the use of computer and software to create and maintain membership data.
· Insure the timely payment of dues and the turnover of registration fees to the Treasurer

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Fundraising Advisor

This position serves as the Advisor to the Chapter Fundraising Chairperson. The focus of this position is on helping the Fundraising Chairperson with the planning, execution and reporting on all fundraising activities. The primary issues are manpower schedules, donation of food items for bake sales and car washes, gift items for Fuji Towers Bingo, and other contributions as required. In addition, it is important to properly track actual manpower and donations versus what was committed to by the member.

The minimum duties are as follows:

· Advise and partner with the Fundraising Chairperson.
· Help with manpower planning.
· Insure the proper handling of monies and other donations.
· Insure the timely acknowledgement of donations from non-member sources.
· Insure the proper advisor-to-member ratio at any event.

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Community Services Advisor

This position serves as the Advisor to the Chapter Community Service Chairperson. The focus of this position is on helping the Community Service Chairpersons with the planning and successful running of all Chapter Community Service activities. Community Service activities include Yu Ai Kai Motchitsuki, New Year's Luncheon decorations, the annual Fuji Towers Bingo Night, Hanamido decorations, Baccalaureate Luncheon, Church Clean-up, and college advisory sessions for the Jr. YBA membership. This individual may have to make reservations and arrange financial guarantees for any provision of the activity requiring a legal contract or agreement.

The minimum duties are as follows:

· Advise and partner with the Community Service Chairperson.
· Negotiate, sign and guarantee contracts related to the event.
· Insure appropriate advisor-to-member ratio for all events.
· Insure that all medical release forms are available during the event.
· Act as the primary adult contact for all events sponsored by the Community Services Chairperson.
· Arrange for informational presentations regarding college application and college financial aid information for all high school students.

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Sports Advisor

This position serves as the Advisor to the Chapter Sports Chairperson. The focus of this position is on helping the Sports Chairpersons with the planning and successful running of all Chapter-internal sports activities and for activities done in conjunction with other Chapters such as tournaments. This individual will have to make reservations and arrange financial guarantees for any provision of the activity requiring a legal contract or agreement.

The minimum duties are as follows:

· Advise and partner with the Sports Chairperson.
· Negotiate, sign and guarantee contracts related to the event.
· Insure appropriate advisor-to-member ratio for all events, including Open Gym
· Insure that all medical release forms are available during the event.

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Historian Advisor

This position serves as the primary Advisor to the Chapter Historian. The primary duty is to record the events and the people involved with the San Jose Jr. YBA for historical purposes.

The minimum duties are as follows:

· Advise and partner with the Chapter Historian.
· Insure that all major events are captured on film, and that agenda or program booklets are kept.
· Help Historian assemble the records and materials into an annual chronological file.
· Insure that the completed year's records are given to the Temple Historian for placement in the Church Archives.

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Publicity Advisor

This position serves as the primary Advisor to the Chapter Publicity Chairperson. The primary duty is to advertise upcoming events and fundraising opportunities, as well as report on past events to the general San Jose Buddhist Church Betsuin, Coast District, or BCA membership.

The minimum duties are as follows:

· Advise and partner with the Chapter Publicity Chairperson.
· Help with creative writing process for publicity pieces.
· Insure regular input to the temple's Dharma Newsletter.
· Work with Publicity Chairperson to insure timely placement of advertisements for upcoming events.
· Help coordinate publicity placement with the Church webmaster.
· Assist Chairperson in creating new artistic and coverage ideas for publicity.

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