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Hompa Hongwanji Lay Leaders Seminar
Kyoto, Japan
November 5-7, 2003
(Excerpted from Report to the SJBC Board of Directors by Joyce Iwasaki)

The Hongwanji invited members from throughout the Buddhist Churches of America to participate in a Lay Leaders Seminar at the Hompa Hongwanji in Kyoto Japan. The primary purpose of this seminar was to provide lay leaders from the overseas districts the opportunity to renew their understanding and appreciation of Jodo Shinshu Buddhism. A practical approach was taken to achieve this goal by visiting the mother temple, learning about its activities and operations, and interacting with ministers and lay people in Japan. Activities included attending services, visiting various official sites, hearing lectures and participating in discussion sessions.

There were 42 participants from various temples in the United States. There were six leaders from San Jose Betsuin who participated - Marvin Aoki, Karen Inouye, Joyce Iwasaki, Greer Nishikawa, Tom Nishikawa, and Sumi Tanabe.

This was an outstanding opportunity for all of the attendees to expand their understanding and appreciation of the Hongwanji and its religious and organizational history and current influence throughout the world. Additionally, this pilgrimage allowed our leaders in Japan to feast on the diversity of American Jodo Shinshu Buddhists. We begin to understand that the Teachings are our common bond regardless of the unique and distinct differences in our settings. It becomes clear that it is this broader base that is necessary for the healthy future if the BCA at all levels

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The pictures below were taken and annotated by Tom Nishikawa. Our thanks to Tom for providing these pictures for the website, and for producing a slide show of the full set of photos that he presented to the Board of Directors and to the gathered members at the Betsuin New Year's Party in January 2004.

Click on any picture to see a larger photo.

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