Dharma Messages2019-04-06T00:23:04-07:00

President’s Message May 2019 - History of Japanese Immigration

By |April 25th, 2019|Categories: Dharma Messages|

President’s Message History of Japanese Immigration Wakamatsu Colony in Gold Hill, California I’d like to share with you my knowledge of how the first Japanese immigrated to the United States. It all began during the Boshin War in Japan (1866-1869). Matsudaira Katamori was a daimyo

May: Baking bread

By |April 25th, 2019|Categories: Dharma Messages|

Baking bread G Sakamoto I started baking bread a few years ago. Not often, maybe once every couple of months. I wanted to bake a simple pao doce. I grew up saying “pan doce” which was a cross between “pan” the Japanese word bread and

April 2019 “What’s going on?” Marvin Gaye 1971 - Rinban Sakamoto

By |March 30th, 2019|Categories: Dharma Messages|

“What’s going on?” Marvin Gaye 1971 G Sakamoto tiny.cc/l72d4y “Mother, mother There’s too many of you crying.” You would think that by now we should have been able to figure things out. And yet we find ourselves still living in a world that Shinran described

President’s Message April 2019 - Comparing Scouting and the Dharma

By |March 30th, 2019|Categories: Dharma Messages|

President’s Message Comparing Scouting and the Dharma My Experience in Scouting Back in 1958, I joined Cub Scouts. I enjoyed wearing the uniform on Scout days to school. Right after school, I walked to my den leader, Mrs. Gonzales’ home. It wasn’t a fun experience

Love is a fruit in season at all times, and within reach of every hand. It is the greatest gift anyone can give.

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